2.6k Aufrufe
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I have German version of Win XP, and would like to install the Office to go with it. Must they both be in German, or can I have the English Office?
Can you recommend where I can buy English Windows software in Germany? I am based in Hamburg.
Thank you in advance.


8 Antworten

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Beantwortet von halfstone Profi (18.3k Punkte)
Hi Branimir,

which Office do you plan to install, open Office or Microsoft Office?

You can buy UK Versions of Software at:

Alternate.de Windows or

Alternate.de Office Suites


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Beantwortet von tomsan Experte (6.6k Punkte)
No, does not have to be german version. English should work.

But recommend "Open Office Portable". For most users as good as MS Office, it is freeware and the portable version would not mix your system.


Your should try.
You can certainly also install the normal OpenOffice.... but would use the portable version to have a look.
0 Punkte
Beantwortet von road-runner Experte (5.8k Punkte)
Must they both be in German, or can I have the English Office?

Some times ago I had a german version of Win XP an a french version of MS Office 2000. Both worked without any problems.

So I think that a german Windows and an englisch MS Office will also work together.


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Beantwortet von rahi Experte (1.5k Punkte)
Hi Branimir,

i had Windows XP in German and an english Version of Access 2000 on my computer - and it works fine.

Greetings Ralf
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Thank you for your reply.
I can use any version of the office, just need the basics such as Word, Excel, etc.

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Beantwortet von tomsan Experte (6.6k Punkte)
Would suggest Open Office then.... works fine and is freeware.
0 Punkte
Beantwortet von kjg17 Profi (34.4k Punkte)
Hi Branimir,

which MS Office version you have?

Click here --> Preparing for an Office Multilingual Deployment

Greetings from